Qué es
SAP Business One

Es un ERP único y asequible para administrar  su negocio. Gestione la contabilidad y finanzas, las compras, el inventario, las ventas y relaciones con los clientes. También adquiera informes y análisis detallados.

Obtenga mayor comprensión y control de su empresa optimizando los procesos clave. Tome decisiones basadas en la información en tiempo real para que pueda impulsar un crecimiento rentable.


Qué es
SAP Business One

Es un ERP único y asequible para administrar  su negocio. Gestione la contabilidad y finanzas, las compras, el inventario, las ventas y relaciones con los clientes. También adquiera informes y análisis detallados.

Obtenga mayor comprensión y control de su empresa optimizando los procesos clave. Tome decisiones basadas en la información en tiempo real para que pueda impulsar un crecimiento rentable.




Así es como se
ve una implementación
SAP Business One

Para nosotros un proyecto termina cuando nos aseguramos de que SAP Business One ha impulsado el crecimiento exponencial y rentable de su negocio.

Identificamos sus necesidades a partir del diagnóstico y estudio de la información proporcionada
Configuramos SAP Business One de manera personalizada en base a sus procesos
Migramos su información actual al ERP para que pueda empezar a operar 
Capacitamos a su personal para que pueda operar el sistema de manera efectiva

What is
SAP Business One

It is a unique and affordable ERP for
manage your business efficiently.
Manage accounting, finances,
purchases, inventory, production,
CRM, sales, and relationships with your
clients and suppliers. It has systems
transactional and an analytical
platform HANA, all in the cloud.

Benefits of using SAP Business One

More flexible

Adaptable solutions for any type of company


Higher ROI

Immediate optimization in all aspects of your business

Affordable Service

The simple subscription fee includes the software, and the full support service of the functionalities


Reduced cost of ownership

There is no need to support the software or manage the underlying infrastructure.



Hosted in today's most flexible and secure cloud environment.

Analysis and reporting

Timely and accurate reporting from multiple data sources.

Our clients

Hundreds of satisfied customers with the SAP Business One solution


Why is SAP superior to other ERPs?

It allows you to manage your business processes, purchasing management, CRM, finance, accounting, production, sales, supply chain, purchasing and more.

A single ERP that maintains all your business information in a transactional and analytical system through its powerful and unique SAP HANA database.

Conozca los beneficios
de SAP Business One

Administración y Gestión
Administración y Gestión
Proporciona una visión clara de todo su negocio, lo que le permite obtener un control completo
Contabilidad y Finanzas
Contabilidad y Finanzas

Automatiza las tareas contables diarias y lleva a cabo todas sus operaciones bancarias

Compras y Operaciones
Compras y Operaciones
Gestiona el ciclo completo desde el pedido de compra hasta el pago, incluidos recibos, facturas, devoluciones, entre otros
Servicio de Ventas
Servicio de Ventas
Gestiona todo el proceso de ventas y el ciclo de vida del cliente, desde el contacto inicial hasta la venta final, pasando por el servicio y soporte posventa
Producción y MRP
Producción y MRP
Proporciona información precisa sobre los envíos entrantes y salientes, el inventario y la ubicación de los bienes
Gestión de Proyectos y Recursos
Gestión de Proyectos y Recursos
SAP Crystal Reports le permite elegir entre una variedad de formatos de informes y controlar el acceso a la información que se muestra
Inventario y Distribución
Inventario y Distribución

Ahorro de tiempo, disminución de la posibilidad de errores manuales en el conteo y manejo de mercancías, facilita la clasificación de los productos similares y sobre todo es una guía para tomar decisiones

Personalización de la Solución
Personalización de la Solución
Permite crear paneles e informes personalizados que brindan información sobre todas sus áreas comerciales

Financial management

Improve margins, reduce errors and drive more profitable decision making
with a complete set of tools for optimized financial operations.



Automate the management of all basic accounting processes, such as journal entries, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.


Manage cash flow, track fixed assets, control budgets, and monitor project costs with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Fixed asset management

Simplify the management of your fixed assets with a virtual function, eliminating the need for manual and repetitive data entry.

Banking and reconciliation

Process reconciliations, bank statements, and payments through a variety of methods, including checks, cash, and wire transfers, faster.

Financial reports and analysis

Generate standard or custom reports from real-time data to improve your business planning and audit review processes.

SAP business one mobile integration

More efficiently monitor the entire sales process and customer life cycles, from initial contact to final sale,

after-sales service with mobile integration.

Marketing campaign management

Create, manage, and analyze marketing activities to convert prospects into customers and grow sales and profitability.

Customer Management

Store all your critical customer data in one place by synchronizing and managing customer contacts stored in Microsoft Outlook.

Service Management

Create and manage warranty contracts and service agreements efficiently, and quickly enter and respond to service calls.

Reports and analysis

Design detailed reports on all aspects of the sales process – from projections to pipeline tracking – using templates.

Mobile sales

Empower your entire sales organization to manage information on the go anytime, anywhere and on any mobile device.


Purchase and inventory control

Optimize purchasing practices and control costs by managing the entire cycle
from order to payment, including receipts, invoices, returns and payments.



Streamline purchasing processes such as placing orders, creating purchase orders and goods receipts, and managing returns. Improve audits by reconciling documents, viewing information trails, and managing multiple currencies.

Master data management

Centralize purchasing processes by managing detailed data in an easy-to-use interface. View account balance and purchase analytics while maintaining detailed item purchase information with price lists and tax information.

Integration of deposits and accounting

Benefit from real-time synchronization of goods receipts and warehouse inventory levels to easily plan purchases and automatically create an accounts payable invoice from a purchase order or receipt goods.

Accounts payable

Reduce costs and optimize your supply chain relationships. Process accounts payable invoices, write-offs, and credit memos with a purchase order reference, plan material needs, and schedule your purchases accordingly.


Generate integrated reports with real-time data and display them in various report or dashboard formats to get an overview of what matters most to your business, whether you're using your desktop or mobile device.

Business Intelligence

Create timely and accurate reports based on data from across the
enterprise, with analytical and reporting tools.

Report creation and customization

Access data from multiple sources, generate new reports and customize existing ones in a variety of layouts with minimal IT overhead.

Interactive analysis

See your business from a variety of perspectives using SAP Business One integrated with standard Microsoft Excel functionality.

Intuitive tools

Gain insights faster, with the ability to drag, relate, and drill down using search assistance and workflow-based alerts.

Analytics with predefined metrics

Dramatically improve cash balance visibility and sales performance with predefined analytics and KPIs.

Powerful data visualizations

Make better decisions by streamlining your reports with powerful visualizations.


Analytics and Reports

Empower your employees to make smart, confident decisions faster capturing all
critical information and making it available to the entire company instantly.


Dashboards and reports

Design intuitive, interactive dashboards and reports that answer your most pressing questions. Managers can also accurately track revenue, costs, and cash flow, assess performance, and take quick corrective action.

Real time analytics

Access information faster and evaluate it with powerful real-time analytics. You can simplify data search and on-demand creation of standard or ad hoc reports.

SAP Business One
is software that makes a difference

An affordable and easy-to-use business management solution
For all industries
Whatever your business, SAP adapts to it
Complementary solutions
We offer many other solutions adaptable to SAP
Manage all branches with a single system
Industrial solutions
SAP Business One offers more for every type of business


You get immediate access to the most relevant to
help you run your business from anywhere, anytime.

SAP Business One Sales mobile app

Designed for sales teams on the go. Manage leads, customer accounts, view stock and place orders with the mobile app for iOS and Android.

Download instructive



Resources And Information

Learn About the Features of BEAS Manufacturing

It's clear that the manufacturing industry comes with its fair share of operational hurdles, and a system that can streamline processes...

Exploring the SAP Modules: A Comprehensive List

SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) is a leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that helps businesses streamline their...

SAP Business One Implementation: Complete guide for your business

Implementing SAP Business One has become a crucial aspect for many companies looking to enhance their operational management. If you have...