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International corporate secretarial services

Our corporate secretarial services meet the most demanding needs of international companies. We assist you through the challenges multinational companies face by easing your compliance burden and allowing you to focus on running your business.

Global Entity Incorporation

Providing an integral solution for entry and operations within international markets

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Global Director

Support to handle all your commercial, administrative, and banking necessities

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Global Document

Documents available through our network of experts make the process faster and more reliable

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Why choose H&CO
Entity Management Service?

H&CO offers comprehensive global corporate compliance management through Entity Management.

Our multidisciplinary approach integrates tax, consulting, accounting, and financial advisory to deliver streamlined, cost-effective services.

With expertise in complex compliance and value-added services, we ensure consistent global coordination across 16+ countries to guide your project efficiently.

Business Entity Incorporation

Starting a business in a foreign jurisdiction is never a simple matter. Obligations, procedures, deadlines, language barriers, and costs vary widely from country to country and sometimes between cities and states.

Having advice from a trusted professional is essential in this first stage where the operability of a company must be established and cover all tax compliance Incorporation is the way a company is formally organized and officially created.

The assets and cash flows of the commercial entity are kept separate from those of the owners and investors, which is called limited liability.

  • Protects the owner's assets against the liabilities of the company.
  • Allows easy transfer of ownership to another party.
  • Often gets a lower tax rate than personal income.
  • Generally receives more lenient tax restrictions on loss carryforwards.
  • Can raise capital through the sale of shares
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Here are some key tips you should keep in mind

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