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2023 Best Places to Work Awards: H&CO LLP

Ahead of the 2023 Best Places to Work Awards, the South Florida Business Journal has been announcing the finalists. Here, we reveal honorees in the large company category.

One of our most popular honors programs of the year, the Best Places to Work Awards typically attracts more than 500 attendees. This year, the celebration will be held on Feb. 23 at the Signature Grand in Davie, where we'll tout the winners and honorees and share what makes their workplaces "the best" in the region.

Each year, the Business Journal asks employees across the tri-county area why their companies should be named one of the Best Places to Work.

Employees then fill out confidential online surveys rating their employers in a program developed by Quantum Workplace, which uses the data to arrive at the Top 60 companies we honor at the awards and in a special section based on their feedback.

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We feel very honored that our people are happy to belong to our firm. We have the best talent and the best people!

Thank you all so much for staying!

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