H&CO University

Así es como se
ve una implementación
SAP Business One

Para nosotros un proyecto termina cuando nos aseguramos de que SAP Business One ha impulsado el crecimiento exponencial y rentable de su negocio.

Identificamos sus necesidades a partir del diagnóstico y estudio de la información proporcionada
Configuramos SAP Business One de manera personalizada en base a sus procesos
Migramos su información actual al ERP para que pueda empezar a operar 
Capacitamos a su personal para que pueda operar el sistema de manera efectiva

Conozca los beneficios
de SAP Business One

Administración y Gestión
Administración y Gestión
Proporciona una visión clara de todo su negocio, lo que le permite obtener un control completo
Contabilidad y Finanzas
Contabilidad y Finanzas

Automatiza las tareas contables diarias y lleva a cabo todas sus operaciones bancarias

Compras y Operaciones
Compras y Operaciones
Gestiona el ciclo completo desde el pedido de compra hasta el pago, incluidos recibos, facturas, devoluciones, entre otros
Servicio de Ventas
Servicio de Ventas
Gestiona todo el proceso de ventas y el ciclo de vida del cliente, desde el contacto inicial hasta la venta final, pasando por el servicio y soporte posventa
Producción y MRP
Producción y MRP
Proporciona información precisa sobre los envíos entrantes y salientes, el inventario y la ubicación de los bienes
Gestión de Proyectos y Recursos
Gestión de Proyectos y Recursos
SAP Crystal Reports le permite elegir entre una variedad de formatos de informes y controlar el acceso a la información que se muestra
Inventario y Distribución
Inventario y Distribución

Ahorro de tiempo, disminución de la posibilidad de errores manuales en el conteo y manejo de mercancías, facilita la clasificación de los productos similares y sobre todo es una guía para tomar decisiones

Personalización de la Solución
Personalización de la Solución
Permite crear paneles e informes personalizados que brindan información sobre todas sus áreas comerciales


Committed to building and developing the potential of our clients

Today's world constantly challenges us and that is why through H&CO University we promote a space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences where training constant drives the personal and professional development of each of our clients. 

Provide them with an innovative view of the business world today, providing them with tools that strengthen their management and leadership skills, and allow them to face day-to-day work with a new approach beyond the merely technical. < /span>


Benefits of our customer training program


H&CO University training services are summarized so far in Videos of recorded lessons on SAP Business modules < span>One, divided by classes and without restriction or compulsory chronology of video playback.

Among its main benefits are:

  • Optimization of the company's operational routine 
  • Improved employee performance related to SAP Business One features
  • Resolution of specific doubts in an easy and effective way 
  • No additional cost 
  • Recorded lessons with highly qualified teachers.

A differentiating proposal

Our H&CO University program was born from the idea of ​​adding more interactions with our clients, helping to improve and optimize the work routine of a company. The purpose of the project is to further contribute to the services offered by our experts by making the customer experience more and more relevant to our actions.

The proposal is to differentiate itself from other consultancies by bringing a unique experience to the client. Other SAP consultancies do not bring as complete content as ours, or have additional costs, in addition to the implementation and consultancy.

"With H&CO University we empower professionals
to build a better world of work."

Are you an H&CO customer and want
to take advantage of this program?

Let’s talk

Resources And Information

Navigating Hiring Processes in Employee Recruitment

In the world of recruitment processes, a crucial factor stands out: intentionality. Despite what many may think, the heart of a good...

Provide health and insurance coverage to employees in the US

A group health plan is a valuable employee welfare benefit plan created and managed by an employer or an employee organization (such as a...

Understanding Major US Labor Laws

The American workplace is in a state of flux between landmark federal rulings, state-level advances, and a changing social landscape,...

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