in Uruguay

Why Uruguay?

Market:  +3.5 million inhabitants

Growth Projection by 2020:  2.6%

Main Characteristics:

  • Uruguay presents greater political and economic stability compared to the other countries in the region, with the highest GDP per capita in Latin America.
  • The country is among the first places in the Human Development Index, the Human Opportunity Index and the Economic Freedom Index.
  • Uruguay offers important incentives to foreign and local investors such as Free Zones, Free Ports and Airports, Industrial Parks, Public - Private Participation (PPP), Tax Exemptions and the best Tax Regime in the region.
  • It has a high-level logistics infrastructure, state-of-the-art telecommunications technology and the best energy offering in Latin America based on renewable sources.
  • Through Uruguay you can access a market of 400 million people, which accumulates 68% of Latin America's GDP and represents a foreign trade flow of almost 74% of Latin America's total.


Limits for Foreign Shareholders

  • Companies in Uruguay have no nationality restrictions or shareholders' residency requirements to incorporate them.
Main Tax Rates
  • Corporate Taxes

25% Standard

  • Dividends

7% Withholding on dividends paid to a non-resident unless a lower rate applies under a tax treaty.

  • Employment Taxes
Retirement Contribution: 7.5% (employer) / 15% (employee)
FRL: 0.125% (employer) / 0.125% (employee)
Health Insurance: 5% (employer) / 3% (employee)
Additional SNIS: 1.5% - 5% (employee)
  • VAT


  • Remittance of profits

Profits remitted from a branch to its central office are subject to the same regime as dividends.


Growing Industries and Market Opportunities

Information and 



